Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Welcome Madyson Jodene!!!

We welcomed a new member to our family a week ago! Madyson Jodene was born at 2:52 pm on April 2, 2012 weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. This time around my labor was much, much easier then with Peyton.

I was scheduled to be be induced on Monday April 2. My original due date was Friday April 6th, but we decided on an induction to help ease our minds over making sure we had someone set up to watch Peyton while we were in the hospital. My mother was able to come down for the week to help out with Peyton, which really was a big help to us. So Monday morning, Mike and I left for the hospital at 6:30 am for our 7am check in time.

Well like any good doctor related event the Dr was late getting us started. Mike was already annoyed by 8am when the Dr had not come in to get the induction started. Finally around 10:30am the Dr arrived to start the show! They broke my water and started the Pitocin. When they started the induction I was about 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced already.

Around noon I decided that I was ready for an epidural. The nurse and anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural around 12:30. After a couple hours, a new nurse came in to check on me. I asked her when someone was going to check me to see how much I had dilated. She asked me when was the last time I was checked and I said that I had not been since they broke my water and started the Pitocin. She said OK and that she would put in a folly and then come back in an hour to check me.

Well about 5 minutes after she left I called her and said that I was feeling a lot of pressure, so she came back in to check me. Well when she checked me, she was very surprised to find that I was ready to have a baby. She called another nurse in to double check and sure enough, I was ready. They tried to call my Dr, but could not get a hold of her, so they had to bring in another Dr from the practice to come in and deliver me.

When the Dr came in, the nurse told him that with my first I only pushed for 8 minutes. Jokingly the Dr responded with "Well let do this one in only 5 minutes!" Well 5 minutes later Madyson Jodene was born! All the nurses and the Dr were all very surprised that it was so quick and all said that they would gladly deliver my next kid to because I was so easy to deliver!

Mike and his new daughter

Welcome Baby Madyson Jodene

Samantha and Mady

Peyton meets her baby sister

Very curious!

Welcome Home!

Big Sister welcoming Madyson home.
So after 4 1/2 hours of labor and only 5 minutes of pushing Madyson Jodene was a new addition to our family, making us a family of 4! We are very happy to have her as part of our family. Peyton was very excited to have a new sister too! She is very sweet with her little sister and gives her lots of kisses and loves giving her her blankets and Binky!

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