Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cloth Diaper Adict!

OK so it is official I am blogging about cloth diapers! My husband thinks that I am crazy because I am IN LOVE with my cloth diapers for Little P, but they really are amazing and one of the best decisions I have made so far in my parenting career. But let me tell you a little about my venture into cloth diapering.

My sister was the one who got me on looking into cloth diapers. She was pregnant with her son and had registered for Gdiapers. She received some Gdiaper inserts as a gift and her, my mom, and myself all started discussing the benefits of the Gdiaper system. (Gdiapers are a hybrid diaper that allows the user to have a cloth diaper cover with the options for either a cloth or a biodegradable/flushable disposable insert) Well at this point I had been completely bitten by the baby bug and had been spending time looking at baby stuff on the Internet, so I looked into the Gdiapers. They looked really interesting, so I thought well when I have a baby I will consider using them too. Well about a month later I was pregnant and now had a true reason to research diapering options for my child.

I began researching cloth diapering options. I started with a basic google search on cloth diapers and found a wonderful website . This is a wonderful blog that covers all kinds of different topics on cloth diapering, from information about the different types to how to care for them to stories about real life situations with cloth diapers. I spend hours reading posts about diapers and soaking in as much information as I could in regards to cloth diapers and realized that the cloth diapering world is amazing and supportive and ADDICTING! I had decided that I wanted to cloth diaper!

I discussed my wanting to cloth diaper with my husband. At first he was totally against it. He thought that I was going to Hippie on him.  He said that he was not going to wash any diapers and he did not believe that I would want to either. He thought that I was wanting to bite off more than I could chew with having a new baby and not knowing how it was all going to work. He was concerned for me, which sweet and all I of course totally disagreed with him. I told him how we could save money by using cloth diapers in the long run, and how we would be able to use the same diapers on multiple children as well, thus saving even more money. This little bit got him thinking some. I decided to let it be for a while and just let him contemplate it.

A few months went by and I brought it up again. I again mentioned that I wanted to use cloth diapers and this time I have decided that I wanted to use Pocket style diapers. I had found a site to order diapers on and told him that I wanted to get one of a couple different brands of diapers to decide which one I liked the best before buying a whole bunch of them. By this time, he had seen me reading about them and finally realized that he was not going to convince me otherwise and he said OK go ahead and order some. So I did. I went to  and ordered a sample pack that let me choose which diapers I wanted to try. I ordered a fuzzibunz one size, a bumgenius 4.0 in snap and hook & loop closure, a rumparooz, a happy heiny, a Grovia All-in-one, and a Grovia hybrid.  I was so excited when I got these diapers in the mail, I could not wait to have my baby and be able to use them!

A couple of weeks later we had our baby girl, Little P. We chose not to use the diapers right away because of the meconium poop of a newborn. We started using them when Little P was about 2 weeks old. During this time I decided that my favorite style was the fuzzibunz and the bumgenius. I talked with my husband about buying more diapers. He said go ahead and I went ahead and ordered more! I increased my stash to a total of 36 diapers. I also have two pail liners and two wet bags. I also use cloth wipes and have about 30 or so.

I love my cloth diapers and would not have changed my decision to chose to cloth diaper my child!

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